Right Hand Sides right hand side restright hand side
RightHandSide =
     "=" Path.

The evaluation of a rest = Q at a level m proceeds as follows. The path Q is evaluated at the level 0. If the result obtained is a failure $fail(k), then the whole construct returns the failure $fail(m+1), which is so strong as to overcome all surrounding fences that are not neutralized by cuts.

Env,0,St |- Q => Ge,St' ------------------------- Env,m,St |- = Q => Ge,St' Env,0,St |- Q => $fail(k),St' --------------------------------- Env,m,St |- = Q => $fail(m+1),St' Env,0,St |- Q => $error(Ge),St' --------------------------------- Env,m,St |- = Q => $error(Ge),St'