The Dictionary Module

Dictionaries are represented by binary trees [AHU1974]. Each tree node is represented by a box containing three symbols: a key, a value associated with the key, a reference to the left subtree, and a reference to the right subtree. An empty tree is represented by a reference to an empty box.

The module CmpDic has the following implementation: // // File: CmpDic.rf // $use Box Compare Arithm StdIO; // Creates an empty dictionary. MakeDic = <Box>; // Looks up the dictionary s.Dic for the label associated // with the key s.Key. If the key s.Key is not registered // in the dictionary, the dictionary is updated: // the key s.Key is associated with a new unique label. LookupDic s.Key s.Dic = <Get s.Dic> : { = <Box> :: s.Ref, <Store s.Dic s.Key s.Ref <Box> <Box>>, = s.Ref; s.Key1 s.Ref1 s.DicL s.DicR = <Compare (s.Key)(s.Key1)> : { '<' = <LookupDic s.Key s.DicL>; '>' = <LookupDic s.Key s.DicR>; '=' = s.Ref1; }; }; // Allocates memory for the labels registered in // the dictionary. s.A is the start address. // The address corresponding to a label is put // into the box referred to by the label. AllocateDic s.Dic s.A = <Get s.Dic> : { = s.A; s.Key s.Ref s.DicL s.DicR = <AllocateDic s.DicL s.A> :: s.A1, <Store s.Ref s.A1>, <Add s.A1 1> :: s.A2, = <AllocateDic s.DicR s.A2>; }; WriteDic s.Dic = <Get s.Dic> : { = <Print "_">; s.Key s.Ref s.DicL s.DicR = <Print "(">, <WriteDic s.DicL>, <Print " ">, <Write s.Key>, <Get s.Ref> : { = ; e.Value = <Print "->"> <Write e.Value>; }, <Print " ">, <WriteDic s.DicR>, <Print ")">; };
